Tenlot, the lottery as a way of social development
Source: www.gamingintelligence.com
Yossi Abadi, CEO of Tenlot Group, in the midst of the lottery
operator´s expansion in Latin America, after starting operations in Guatemala.
Along with a strong risk investment that is not usually within the reach of
governments, this company has among its objectives an important social
development component.
Not only does it provide its technological platform, but it also
contributes a risk investment that governments usually cannot afford. Thus,
TENLOT makes a total investment to develop the lottery and gaming market. But
it also maintains an important social development component to generate
economic support for the most needy through social programs. They started in
Guatemala and now their aspiration extends to the whole region. This is what
Tenlot´s CEO, Yossi Abadi, says in this interview.
Question: What is the origin of the company and what made you
decide to enter the lottery sector?
Answer: Our group, led by its founder, Jacob Engel, comes from the
mining and oil, construction, and infrastructure sectors. With concessions in
more than 25 countries, we have led large mining exploration and operation
projects; we have built tens of thousands of homes around the world, and we
have invested in more than 20 new technology companies through our investment fund.
Mr. Engel has owned eight public companies, listed on the New York, London and
Tel-Aviv stock exchanges. We entered this sector because we see in the lottery
an opportunity to develop a project with great scope and social impact, and at
the same time, with great capacity for economic growth. We identified a gap in
which our financial strength as a group, our willingness to invest and assume
risk, as well as our ability to develop a market, can drive large and good
projects. We entered this sector because the business philosophy of risk
investment is in our DNA.
Q.- Why lottery and not online gaming?
A.- We have not chosen one over the other. We believe very much in
the future of online gaming. The projections of that sector show its rapid
growth, and it is estimated that online gaming revenues, worldwide, will reach
USD 55 billion in 2019. In fact, we are expanding along the same lines. But we
believe that an online project will be much more successful when it has
significant and broad retail backing. Especially if it is launched in countries
where e-wallet and credit card penetration is not widespread. That´s when
physical presence at the point of sale becomes your greatest strength.
Q.- Do you use external technology providers for your operations or
have you developed your own platform?
A.- Yes, we use external suppliers. We choose the best suppliers
for the development of our technology platforms. We are an operating group:
that is our great strength. We focus on the development of a market, on creating
value for the company. I believe that focusing on investment, implementation
and operation is what leads us to success. Everyone must do what they do
Q.- How does your marketing strategy differ from that of
traditional lottery operators?
A.- First of all, we understand that the key is to design a good
advertising campaign, to consolidate a brand that, above all, has the human
touch, the social relationship, the sense of help. I also believe that our
financial capacity to invest heavily, to bet everything, is what makes the
difference. We establish strategic alliances in the world of sports, music,
television... We even reach theaters with lottery comedies. We are in the key
points of national life, where feelings are aroused.
Q.- What are the long-term plans for the company?
A.- Our objective is to expand both in Latin America and Africa,
expand our investment and enter new markets. The founder of our group comes
with the experience of having listed eight of his companies on the New York,
London and Tel-Aviv stock exchanges. We have consolidated our company as if it
were public, in terms of procedures and transparency from day one. And indeed,
we are planning to launch TENLOT on the Stockholm Stock Exchange by the end of
2020. It is part of our strategic vision.
Q.- Lottery is one of the most popular games in the world and also
in Latin America. What is your key strategy to adapt the games and operations,
in each of the countries?
A.- TENLOT is not just another company in the lottery world. We
bring a new vision to Latin America. Unlike companies that are dedicated only
to provide their technological platform, looking for a secure income, we bring
a vision of risk investment. Governments generally, for obvious reasons, have
budgetary limitations. They cannot compete on an advertising level with the
private sector. We fill that gap: we offer a total and absolute investment for
the development of the lottery and gaming market on behalf of the government.
It´s a win-win-win-win partnership: the state wins, the players win, and we
win. We assume all the necessary investment: we install and operate the most
advanced technological platform; we expand the marketing and distribution
channels; we assume the design of the games and the prize matrix; the cost of
the team of experts and operation. And, perhaps most importantly, we assumed,
in its entirety, a significant investment in marketing and advertising at a
national level. Television, radio, newspapers, billboards... Everything. We are
talking about millions of dollars of investment. Breaking paradigms. Doing what
few dare to do.
Q.- Where did you start your operations in Latin America?
A.- We consolidated our base of operations for Latin America in
Guatemala. Great country, great people. To date, we have invested more than $16
million there. We are really proud of what we have achieved so far. We set up
the structures and the most advanced technological platform; taking our time,
without haste, convinced that things have to be done right. In a reliable and
transparent manner. We came to Guatemala with the purpose of doing what has
never been done before in terms of technology, transparency and product
attraction. And the vote of confidence
we received, even from the local business sector, has been simply magnificent.
We managed to reach more than 5,000 points of sale in a very short time. We
consolidated an alliance with the main supermarkets; we are in pharmacies; in
gas stations; in neighborhood stores; in markets; and we have hundreds of street
Q.- What has been your marketing strategy?
A.- Our first product is a scratch-off ticket. "A Lucky
Shot". Easy to play: scratch and win. Today, with more than 100 employees
in Guatemala, TENLOT has invested in advertising like never before. With only
six months of sales, we are already sponsors of two important soccer teams, we
have a large segment in the most famous and most watched television program in
the country, and we even supported the launching of a play, a comedy about the
lottery. We are on all the radio stations, in all the newspapers, channels and
social networks. The investment is millions of dollars in advertising. We are
coming in big.
Q.- You mentioned the social vision of the company, what has been
your approach in this project?
A.- I think many have lost the social focus that the lottery
should have. But the lottery should, and can, be a magnificent platform for
social development. The sales should generate economic support to the neediest,
through social programs. The lottery in Guatemala allows us to create an
extraordinary platform to be able to dream and fulfill dreams, to be able to
dream of social development, to help the neediest and fulfill the dreams of
those who dare to try their luck. Social support is in the DNA of our
activities. What a privilege it is to be able to help, to be able to generate
smiles. That is what we have been doing in Guatemala and what we plan to do in
several other countries in the region. One of the most exciting things is to
see the results of this work: a few days ago, for example, a Guatemalan woman
won one of the big prizes by scratching her "Tirito de la Suerte".
She is a noble and very humble person, someone who really needs the money. And
do you know what she said when she received her check? "I didn´t buy the
ticket with the intention of winning. I did it because this way I can help the
children of Guatemala." I was moved to tears. What a privilege it is to
see that the social message gets through. In Israel, for example, a country
with only 9 million people, the National Lottery sold almost 3 billion dollars
last year. With this, they have been able to build schools, sports centers,
music centers, provide scholarships and fulfill their social vision. The
lottery plays a very important role. And that is the social vision we bring to
Latin America.
Q.- What other markets are you in?
A.- In Latin America we are expanding to Mexico and two other
countries in Central America, but we are also active in Africa, where we have a
large operating team. In these months, we are concluding an important alliance
to enter a strategic country in Asia. We believe in developing countries. That
is where innovation is possible; where we are making a multimillion-dollar
investment, convinced of their great growth potential.
Q.- How do you think the lottery market will evolve over the next
year in the Latin American region?
A.- In 2017, lottery sales in WLA member countries, amounted to
almost $300 billion! But what is incredible is that Latin America and Africa,
two continents that represent 25 percent of the world´s population, accounted
for only 2.7 percent of all sales. This indicates that there is still a lot to
do; a lot of room for growth in these regions and that is where we are going
with our investment.
Q.- How can we combat illegal lottery operations in the region?
A.- Illegal lottery is an evil that will always be there. But we
have to fight it intelligently. And beyond regulation, I think the best way to
do it is to focus on the social cause. When someone knows that they can not
only win, but also help, I am convinced that they will choose that option. But
to do that you have to build trust, demonstrate achievements, work with
transparency, invest for real, and yes, offer attractive products. These are
the fundamentals that guide us.